marți, 29 septembrie 2020

The Traveling Painter & The Triumphant Red

(Ro) Ca sa o cunoasteti putin mai bine pe minunata noastra (si f. talentata) Doina Spilca pun linkul unui interviu luat ei mai de mult de Ben Todica (realizator de emisiuni radio si TV din Maelbourne).

 Si are mai multe youtuburi frumoase. Iata cateva.


(En) So that you learn a little more about Doina Spilca who put together some youtube for Jerry W McDaniel 's work I am giving you (above) the link to an interview with her taken some time ago by Ben Todica (who makes Romanian radio and TV shows in Melbourne). Doina also has several beautiful youtubes... I am only giving the links to some.


Ileana Costea


Ben Todică – Doina Spilca – interviu